Saturday, October 4, 2008


Join the Blog Frog.

I'm not generally a lover of widgets, but this one is awesome, and not to mention I just LOVE to say the phrase "Blog Frog".

Say it out loud..........go, isn't it fun?

So I'm being a total copycat of my cousin Jenni, but since I love the Blog Frog and I also want to show some love to my cousin Tara & her hub Rusty, I'm copying and pasting my cousin Jenni's post about the Blog Frog b/c she said everything so well. Again, the credit for the following goes to Mrs. Jenni Royster, come on down!

"Blog Frog

See the little Blog Frog sticker on the side of my blog? Well My cousin Tara (Cornell) and her hubby Rusty Banks are the creators of the Blog Frog, Here's the deal.... they are trying to GROW this website so someone BIG will buy it and they will never have to work again! ( I am just adding my two cents here) So if you haven't already PLEASE go register on the Blog Frog and add the sticker to your blog. The Blog Frog is a website where you can go to look up friends to see if they have a blog, myspace, facebook or other websites on the web! All your searching in one place. So do it, it's fun and for a good cause! (maybe I will be in the will??)"

Good work Banks'!!! It's way awesome! If your California market grows tremendously overnight, you'll know who to thank :)


Rusty and Tara said...

Hi Hayley,
I love to see posts like this show up in my newsfeed! I'd love to for TheBlogFrog to take off so I could work on it full time. I have tons of ideas just no time to do them. What is there now is just tip of the iceberg. There's actually a lot of members from California. Second only to Utah. Thanks for the post!!

Rusty and Tara said...

P.S. You and Jenni are my new favorite cousins :)


Jennikunz said...

we should be the favorites!!!!

The Cardon's said...

Thanks hay- I copied it from you to put on mine! Hope you don't mind! Love ya! Sal