Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random Thoughts of Hayley...

So I had 2 topics on my mind all day yesterday. I shall share.

#1: Crude Oil might not be so crude after all

Let's all give a big Hip-Hip-Hooray for the decrease in gasoline this past week...holla!

I was able to fill up my beast machine, & I mean completely fill up, for less than $90! It's crazy that I was so ecstatic about this all day, in fact it's a little strange, but seriously, when I heard the pump go "click" signaling the completion of fill-up, and I looked at the damage on the gritty little pump screen, I did a secret smile. And then smiled all day after that.

#2: Decision read that right...not Decision 08, but Decision 12

Since I have way too many things on my plate this next week, I hate to disappoint, but I will not be in the running for the White House. However, when the time for Decision 12 rolls around, you may start seeing my flashy smile on your tv screen. Why, you may ask?

Answer: Someone needs to push for a law against TOUPEES! Forget the economic crisis, forget the war, forget education...let's get down to business.

I have awkwardly and oddly enough seen WAY TOO MANY bad toupees around town this past week. What is the deal? Not that a toupee can be a "good" one, but the ones I've encountered are bad news bears. maybe I don't need to be focusing on Capitol Hill area, maybe it's just a Santa Clara issue???

This is pretty much the style I've seen sportin around town...and TWICE, mind you.

Where are their wives, children, co-workers...anyone who can be brutally honest to these men?


Matt and Jessie said...

Your random thoughts make me laugh! I too wish there were more brave men that would go bald with pride!

Kyle and Melanie said...

Can I just say that Comb-Overs are just as bad... :) You make me laugh!

The Cardon's said...

I say SHAVE IT!!! I would NEVER let my husband out of the house with a dead animal on his head. I'd vote for ya!

The Mostess said...

Weird about the fake hair...though I did see that one weird car-full of fake mustaches on El Camino...

The Atwood's said...

I'll return that "holla" with a "HOLLA!" That makes me want to watch Ellen right now.

whitethunder said...

One day I hope to have a bigger comb over than I do now.