Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random Thoughts of Hayley...

So I had 2 topics on my mind all day yesterday. I shall share.

#1: Crude Oil might not be so crude after all

Let's all give a big Hip-Hip-Hooray for the decrease in gasoline this past week...holla!

I was able to fill up my beast machine, & I mean completely fill up, for less than $90! It's crazy that I was so ecstatic about this all day, in fact it's a little strange, but seriously, when I heard the pump go "click" signaling the completion of fill-up, and I looked at the damage on the gritty little pump screen, I did a secret smile. And then smiled all day after that.

#2: Decision read that right...not Decision 08, but Decision 12

Since I have way too many things on my plate this next week, I hate to disappoint, but I will not be in the running for the White House. However, when the time for Decision 12 rolls around, you may start seeing my flashy smile on your tv screen. Why, you may ask?

Answer: Someone needs to push for a law against TOUPEES! Forget the economic crisis, forget the war, forget education...let's get down to business.

I have awkwardly and oddly enough seen WAY TOO MANY bad toupees around town this past week. What is the deal? Not that a toupee can be a "good" one, but the ones I've encountered are bad news bears. maybe I don't need to be focusing on Capitol Hill area, maybe it's just a Santa Clara issue???

This is pretty much the style I've seen sportin around town...and TWICE, mind you.

Where are their wives, children, co-workers...anyone who can be brutally honest to these men?

Saturday, October 25, 2008

skirt-lovers of the universe...unite.

Okay, so that was a lame title, but I got your attention, right?

Let me tell you the story of me finding a smokin' bargain.

It all started when I took Avykins to the Halloween sing-along at PBK a few days ago. What a grand time we had.

Then we ate lunch. It was a lovely bonding moment for the 2 of us.

Then we walked through Old Navy to get out to the parking lot.

That's when it all happened.

My life was suddenly changed for the better...forever.

I was cruising through the store and low and behold what do my eyes wander upon? Why, it was a $2 clearance rack. Anyone who's anyone knows that I am a magnet for a deal. So of course I stop to cruise the rack.

My eyes about popped out of my head as they fixed themselves upon the ever famous knit-cotton Old Navy skirt we all love and admire. It's great for fat stretches; it's great for skinny retracts; it's extremely great for pregnant days ...again, it stretches, and it has a fold-able band that a pregnant being can propel over the baby bump or under, take your pick.

So I think to myself, "Self, you should really load up on these babies. Get one in each color for heaven's sake...they're only $2!"

So as Avy stares on in wonderment at her possessed mother, I load my stroller with the knit wonders and then the even bestest part of the adventure occurred:

A cute pregnant lady with eyes all a-glow whispers in my ear,
"I just heard they're only 99 CENTS!"

Hoo-dilly! So I walked out of my Halloween sing-a-long adventure with 13 skirts, baby.

That's right, 13 skirts!
And what prey-tell damage did that do to Tat's pocket book you are wondering? The rightful amount of $13.24.

And what prey-tell will Hayley do with 13 skirts you are wondering? Sisters, friends, foe, don't be surprised when you unwrap a gift from yours truly and it happens to be a bouncy, flouncy Old Navy skirt :)

Can I get an AMEN for a smokin' deal. Thank you.

Point of this diatribe...Get over to your local Old Navy PRONTO!!! I've warned you about steals in the past and you DO NOT want to pass this one up.

Bay Area ladies, or men if skirts are your thing, I got these at the O.N. at Valley Fair.


Friday, October 17, 2008

All In A Day's Work

When Avy woke up yesterday morning, first thing first, she made herself a "To Do List."

These are the items she jotted down...and fully accomplished:

Avy's To Do List
1- poop in the tub...check
2- wipe my lasagna-saturated hands all over the bathroom wall...check
3- wipe my lasagna-saturated hands all over Mom's shorts & the back of her shirt...check
4- fall off the porch step & onto the concrete sidewalk...check
5- whine, fuss, & scream the whole time Mom takes me on a 4.5 mile hike...check
6- squish Nutri-Grain bar in my hand, wipe my hands on my bum, then sit down in the dirt, thus leaving a lovely macrame of dirt-art on my caboose...check, check, check
7- show utter disgust when Mom offers me a new type of juice, and then boycott libations of any kind the rest of the day...check, check
8- insist on wearing my new pumpkin hat and fairy wings all morning...check... and continue to insist on wearing the hot, knitted pumpkin hat on our 150-ish degree hike...check

If only I could check off as many items on my "TO DO" list as this One Woman Wonder.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Proposition 8 in plain English

Now that election day is nearing, I'm really getting fired up about this Prop 8 stuff.

Not to mention, my "Yes on Prop 8" sign was kindly "STOLEN" from my lawn. I'm sure it was snatched by a loving fellow Prop 8 supporter who just REALLY, REALLY wanted one of their own. I can sleep at night knowing that I did them a kind deed by letting them borrow my sign.

Dear whomever you are...feel free to keep it. I have lots more...and they will continue to surface on my lawn for your borrowing pleasure as long as you'd like.

This video is an excellent resource for understanding the basics of what's going on in California. It was put together by a man in our stake. Enjoy!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Here's The Video

Wow, 2 thumbs up for me figuring out how to put a video on my blog!

I'm not as computer illiterate as I always assumed I was. Go Me!

The explanation is in the previous post.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

Tyler's a lucky man...

He just happens to be related to not 1, but 2 movie stars. Yes, his lovely wife and his adorable daughter made their TV debut appearance yesterday.

This is pretty much what we looked like:

So my good friend works at ABC studios in San Fran for the show "The View From the Bay" and she asked Avy to be one of the "models" for the kids Halloween Fashion Show. It was SO fun!

Avy, Hayley, Crystal

She was a lovely little daisy flower. The costume was too small, so the petal hat part wouldn't snap on her head and she wouldn't leave it on. Oh well, she was of course a cutie-pie anyway.

She loved cruising up and down the hallways, of course carrying her kitty purse like a true-lady.

Here's the link to watch if you're interested. We come on as the 3rd couple.

(if I can figure out how to put the video directly on here, I'll redo it, but until I get tech-savvy, here's the link)

Thanks for a fun day, Crystal!!!

Thursday, October 9, 2008


chillin' in jammers all morning long

bumping up & down in my little red wagon

tat putting some elbow grease into the cars
-he even did the tires and gave the cars a wax!-
--what a MAN!--

watching dad wash the cars...super fun

You really should get yourself an Uncle Austy.

Avy LOVES her Uncle Austy.

One beautiful summer Saturday afternoon Tat & I both had lots going on and called upon our dear live-in manny to care for our little pumpkin.

He took her to the Santa Clara Arts & Wine Festival and bought her these cute little fairy wings. He took some pics of her too and clearly she was the happiest little child in the park.

She loves her little butterfly fairy wings and brings them to me multiple times a day, does the sign for please, then flaps her hands as if she's flying, I put the wings on her, she smiles a huge grin, then she runs off into fairyland happiness.

Here are some pictures of the Royal Cuteness in her wings.

The End.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Go Elder Ballard!

I think one of my favorite parts of the Proposition 8 broadcast tonight was hearing Elder Ballard use the words "text, podcast, blog" and my personal favorite "twitter".

Elder down-wit-da-slang Ballard asked us to post our views, get the word out, and encourage others to educate themselves on Prop 8. Since texting costs me moola, I don't podcast, and I have no idea what twitter means, you get the goods on my blog!

And so begins the novel on my thoughts of Proposition 8:

For you out-of-staters, Prop 8 is an Amendment to the Cali Constitution that we will be voting on in will redefine marriage as being only between a man and a woman. Currently, homosexual marriage is legal in California.

In 2000, Cali voters passed Prop 22, which stated that marriage is between a man & a woman, but then several months ago, the CA Supreme Court overturned it without seeking a vote or consent from the peeps of California. Let's all say "Goodbye Democracy" on 3. 1..2..3..

Besides the fact that the S.C. made a HUGE decision without MY consent or input, there are several other reasons why I believe we need an amendment to the current law.

Here are 2 of the biggies:

1- don't want my sweet, beautiful, innocent little Avy to hear at school, from teachers that she respects, that homosexuality is normal and just as acceptable as heterosexuality
(not that Avykins needs to live in a bubble, but it's not the school's job or even right to teach what it believes to be moral or immoral...state supported education is for reading, writing, arithmetic, and of course hopscotch).

2- biggest reason of all...I whole-heartedly support our religious leaders and agree with them that marriage is a special, sacred, and oh-so-fun institution that is ordained of God. Marriage is essential to His plan.

By the way - to EVERYONE reading this, regardless of your state of residence - I have several more call sheets I am responsible for getting volunteers for. They don't have to be officially turned in until October 15. So here comes the hefty plea for help...........HELP ME! Take a few sheets off my hands, make some calls, or for some of you, make some more calls, and I'll make you sugary goodness in return - YUM! You, yes YOU, could take part in this very historical effort.
(I'm responsible for getting volunteers to make phone calls to Santa Clara voters in our ward boundaries and taking a simple poll about their voting status on Prop 8. )

So there. My rant for Yes on Prop 8.

Think I'll go google twitter.

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Join the Blog Frog.

I'm not generally a lover of widgets, but this one is awesome, and not to mention I just LOVE to say the phrase "Blog Frog".

Say it out loud..........go, isn't it fun?

So I'm being a total copycat of my cousin Jenni, but since I love the Blog Frog and I also want to show some love to my cousin Tara & her hub Rusty, I'm copying and pasting my cousin Jenni's post about the Blog Frog b/c she said everything so well. Again, the credit for the following goes to Mrs. Jenni Royster, come on down!

"Blog Frog

See the little Blog Frog sticker on the side of my blog? Well My cousin Tara (Cornell) and her hubby Rusty Banks are the creators of the Blog Frog, Here's the deal.... they are trying to GROW this website so someone BIG will buy it and they will never have to work again! ( I am just adding my two cents here) So if you haven't already PLEASE go register on the Blog Frog and add the sticker to your blog. The Blog Frog is a website where you can go to look up friends to see if they have a blog, myspace, facebook or other websites on the web! All your searching in one place. So do it, it's fun and for a good cause! (maybe I will be in the will??)"

Good work Banks'!!! It's way awesome! If your California market grows tremendously overnight, you'll know who to thank :)

Office, Episode 2 (even though it was canceled) Premier Party

Question: Why a Premier Party for Episode 2?

Answer: Tat was out of town for our actual Annual Premier Party date, so we had to postpone it a week.

Question: What's up with Episode 2 being canceled?

Answer: The VP debates...although they ended at like 8pm...and for WHATEVER reason, the networks thought that "Extra, Extra" was of great importance so it was aired at 9pm. Hmmm...who's running the show down south in So Cal? I say a firing is in order.

Question: So what happened at the Premier Party that wasn't an actual premier, and didn't actually show an epidsode of The Office?

Answer: Watched Season 4 Finale, watched last week's Office, and watched the Pilot of 30 Rock (I'd never seen it and we keep hearing it's hilarious...yes, it was pretty funny)

Also, we ate Office related treats. The Evite specifically stated for all attendees to bring an "Office Related snack to share" and there were fabulous prizes.

Look how clever our friends are:

mixed berry yogurt by the Frisby's
b/c Pam's favorite yogurt is mixed berry

bat cookies by Smiths b/c of the bat episode when Dwight
trapped the bat in a bag over Meredith's head

Cupcakes by yours truly b/c
nothing says Dunder Mifflin Paper Co. like a tray full of sweetness

Bacon cooked on the George Foreman Grill by
the Galbraiths b/c Michael cooked his foot on his George Foreman Grill

An all-edible replica of a bird's eye view of the office by Austin & Whitney.
Pam on the left at the receptionist desk, Michael to the back in his office,
and Jim & Dwight at their desks in the middle

Jim & Dwight at their desks
(big blue blob is the water cooler...obviously b/c Dwight
wanted to hear the office "scuttlebutt")

Tyler's stapler in Jell-O by the Teuschers b/c Jim put Dwight's
stapler in Jell-O...again.

And the winner of the coveted "Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." shirt & bag ensemble goes to the Galbraiths for the best Office-related snacky.

The runner-up award of "One Schrute Buck" magnetic board and "Office" themed stationary goes to Austin & Whitney.

Yes, I do realize that anyone who either doesn't watch or has never heard of "The Office" thinks I'm absolutely out of my mind. Fair call. But for those of you who share this appreciation with me, you get it.

Until next week...