How did you sleep last night? Great? Really, you got 8 uninterrupted hours of beauty sleep? That's so nice for you.
Oh, how did I sleep, you're asking? Well you know I never pass up an opportunity to share a good story.
Here goes:
Tyler and I snuggled up on the couch and watched Kung-Fu Panda for the evening. We headed to bed at about 11:00pm.
12:15 am --- Avy wakes up crying, crying, crying (very unusual)
12:17 am --- I jump out of bed in a panic, give her a love, help her locate smelly cat in her crib, and lay her back down; she goes back to sleep
12:20 am --- I return to a nice slumber
12:45 am --- Avy cry, cry, cries again. This time I leave her to work out her problems on her own. She continues crying. And again.
1:00 am --- I get up, giver her a snuggle, change her diaper, give her some Tylenol in the event it's a budding tooth causing the stress, fill a bottle, give her the bottle, lay her back down. Do I go right back to sleep? Continue reading...
1:25 am --- lay back in bed, lay, lay sleepy. Can't do it. My brain is fully awake. I check my email, read some blogs, play on facebook.
1:50 am --- feeling a bit tired, so I head back to bed. Slowly, slowly, slowly and I'm asleep.
2:15 am --- I hear a rummage right outside my window. Ignore it and turn over.
2:16 am --- the rummaging continues and so I throw off my warm comfy comforter, jealously climb over my snoozing husband, tear open the shutters and throw up the sash, and what shall appear but a big fat oppossum digging through my recycling bins.
2:20 am --- the fatty leaves my trash and I FINALLY get back to a good sleep.
some blurred time in between dusk and dawn am --- I am awakened to the complete crashing down of my recycling bin right outside my window.
I jump out of bed, head to the sliding glass door and spy on the oversized vermin for a few good minutes. He was ruthless. Even with a spotlight in his eyes and my camera flash going off several times, he kept coming back for more. I guess I can't blame him...after all, it was the ice cream carton he was devouring.
5:26 am --- Avy wakes for the day. Fortunately, her well rested father got up to play with her while her hit-by-a-bus-sensationed mother drooled all over the bed for a good couple more hours.
So how about your night?