Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving.......But that's not what this post is about.

How did you sleep last night? Great? Really, you got 8 uninterrupted hours of beauty sleep? That's so nice for you.

Oh, how did I sleep, you're asking? Well you know I never pass up an opportunity to share a good story.

Here goes:

Tyler and I snuggled up on the couch and watched Kung-Fu Panda for the evening. We headed to bed at about 11:00pm.

12:15 am --- Avy wakes up crying, crying, crying (very unusual)

12:17 am --- I jump out of bed in a panic, give her a love, help her locate smelly cat in her crib, and lay her back down; she goes back to sleep

12:20 am --- I return to a nice slumber

12:45 am --- Avy cry, cry, cries again. This time I leave her to work out her problems on her own. She continues crying. And again.

1:00 am --- I get up, giver her a snuggle, change her diaper, give her some Tylenol in the event it's a budding tooth causing the stress, fill a bottle, give her the bottle, lay her back down. Do I go right back to sleep? Continue reading...

1:25 am --- lay back in bed, lay, lay sleepy. Can't do it. My brain is fully awake. I check my email, read some blogs, play on facebook.

1:50 am --- feeling a bit tired, so I head back to bed. Slowly, slowly, slowly and I'm asleep.

2:15 am --- I hear a rummage right outside my window. Ignore it and turn over.

2:16 am --- the rummaging continues and so I throw off my warm comfy comforter, jealously climb over my snoozing husband, tear open the shutters and throw up the sash, and what shall appear but a big fat oppossum digging through my recycling bins.

2:20 am --- the fatty leaves my trash and I FINALLY get back to a good sleep.

some blurred time in between dusk and dawn am --- I am awakened to the complete crashing down of my recycling bin right outside my window.

I jump out of bed, head to the sliding glass door and spy on the oversized vermin for a few good minutes. He was ruthless. Even with a spotlight in his eyes and my camera flash going off several times, he kept coming back for more. I guess I can't blame him...after all, it was the ice cream carton he was devouring.

5:26 am --- Avy wakes for the day. Fortunately, her well rested father got up to play with her while her hit-by-a-bus-sensationed mother drooled all over the bed for a good couple more hours.

So how about your night?

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

need a good laugh?

I came across this HILARIOUS book our good friends, Sarah & Brian, gave us before Avy was born. I'm fully convinced they sought it out and gave it to "us" (however possibly meant more for Tyler) based on some of our conversations we had all had about Tyler's child-rearing theories.

Anywho, I found it in the bookshelf last night and was laughing out loud.

Thought I'd provide you with a good ab work-out right before Fat Thursday...I mean, Thanksgiving.


Fortunately for all involved, Tyler never did try to nurse Avy.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Am I a bad Mom?

Sure my beauty is gnawing on a stick of butter, but at least it's pure organic butter. That's gotta count for something......right?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

"I'm bringin sexy back...........yeah"

Dear J.T. (that's Justin Timberlake for the N'SYNC-challenged out there),
You ain't got nothin' on these foxy little fluffy legs. Eat your heart out.

Baby A.

Monday, November 10, 2008

confessions from one blogger to another.

As an inhabitant of the blogging world, I have noticed and heard of this interesting phenomenon called "her life & her blog are so much more fabulous than mine." This is a condition where one blogger believes that her life is less interesting than other bloggers-es.

Tisk, tisk.

So...naturally, I thought, "I should do a post packed with my quirks." You, my faithful readers, generally only get to hear about our fun outings, holidays, parties, and other on-goings of the Atwood group.

Here's to Hayley's confessions.

1- I cleaned my microwave today for the first time in MONTHS.

2- I NEVER wash my face before I go to bed.

3- I feed my daughter more dairy than veggies.

4- I don't buy soap (zest, dove, ivory,lever...etc.) In my efforts to be cheap-ola, my family uses hotel samples we save. Except of course Her Majesty, Avy. She gets the good stuff (Aveeno, Burt's Bees...etc). Heaven forbid she grows a 3rd arm before adult-hood thanks to all the parabens found in the other junk. Her beauty regime is WAY more expensive than mine, which leads us to #5...

5- My beauty regime consists of the cheapest stuff on the shelves at Target.

6- I've watched "My Big Redneck Wedding".........................3 times. My justification - when they're REAL rednecks, it is SHEER ENTERTAINMENT at its best.

7- I'm too cheap (I'm noticing a trend here) to pay to get my hair cut. After I do my hair in the morning I chop off any locks that aren't working that day. It's meant to be a threat to the other hairs.

8- At any given moment of the afternoon, you could likely find Cheerios or CinnaBunnies strewn about my floor.

9- I always graciously keep the address labels the sweet people at St. Jude & the Familes of the Disabled Firefighters of America send me, but never send them money in return.

10- Although I demand an orderly house, my bedroom closet is a nightmare. 9 out of 10 times something falls on my head whenever I open the doors. In fact, I've learned to squat and pose in the ready to catch position before I fling the doors open.

11- This little baby was completely full last week when my friend asked me to babysit it b/c her fridge was broken.

This is what it looked like last night.

You do the math.

Can you beat any of those?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is October over?

What a wonderful season.

Colorful leaves. Brisk chill in the air some days...then sweltering-face-melting heat on other days. Hot chocolate. Rain. Scary parties. Face paint. Costumes, costumes, & more costumes. Avy's trick-or-treating bag filled with candy that Daddy Tat & I are currently munching on. Kid-friendly parties. Election time. Pumpkin patch adventures. Lemo's Farm with good friends. Bags of candy corn (also currently being munched on). Trick-or-treating with good friends. Church parties. Pretty sweaters & sexy mama boots. Frumpy sweatshirts and fuzzy slippers. Prop 8 canvasing & calling. Glass Halloween decorations that Avy wants to touch hundreds of times a day, but whining seems to subside every time I robotically say, "The ghost just says 'BOO' to us...we don't play with him." Planning a 4 course "Mystery" dinner & evening for 150 youth in our Stake. Scoring some TOTALLY sweet seasonal shopping deals. Replacing our Prop 8 signs after 1 was stolen & 1 was shredded then thrown on my lawn (niiiiice---said with much sarcasm). Avy plopping down her tooshy in every driveway after trick-or-treating to see what mystical surprise was just alloted to her & her pumpkin bag. Uncle Austy's birthday. Mulitple riveting discussions on Obama vs. McCain. Crunching leaves under Avy's feet. Avy's cute pumpkin hat she LOVES to sport.

This October has been a BUSY one, yet so much fun. Seriously, how blessed am I to have such wonderful family and friends?

Never a dull moment around here...which I am truly grateful for.

Enjoy SEVERAL recent pics from Team Atwood.

Watch out November, here we come.