It was awesome.
He g-chatted me one day & said Buzz Lightyear & the rest of Disney would be in town,
Anyone who knows this little red should have some inkling that she has been obsessed with Toy Story for several months.
Thanks Austy!
This class went much better than the one she took when she was barely 2.
I was worried. I was concerned that my own daughter, my own flesh & blood had no love for the performing arts.
But this time around she proved me wrong.
I know EVERY mom says this, but by far she was one of the best ones in the class.
She does that alligator walk across the floor like it ain't nobody's business.
Her teacher, Ms. Christine, told them to invite a few friends and family to their last class to watch them perform.
On her list were her dad, mom, Linc, Uncle Austy, Auntie Whit-Whit, Kaari & Blakely, & my friend Michelle.
Here's Avy's cheering section:

Blakely came ready just in case someone got stagefright & they needed a back-up:

On her list were her dad, mom, Linc, Uncle Austy, Auntie Whit-Whit, Kaari & Blakely, & my friend Michelle.
Here's Avy's cheering section:

Blakely came ready just in case someone got stagefright & they needed a back-up:

It was sweet.
Minnie & Mickey Mouse at Santana Row
Donna would have taken them home & raised them like her own had I let her.
Exploratorium in SF
Maybe I should have titled this post "Catching up with Kaari & Blakely" because we have sure logged some fun hours with those 2 lil ladies this past week.
It was a rainy, rainy week last week.
The babes & myself were way done with being inside our house.
I. had. to. bust. out.
It was fun.
This guy would have stood at the little house & stared at the train going round & round the track all day if I would have let him.
The kids were free b/c they are under 4, & my ticket was 1/2 off since I'm a Happy Hollow member.
So the trip only cost me $7.50!
Not bad, right?
We decided to eat at the cafe.
My kids shared a mini pizza & I had to have a hot dog.
the meal cost me almost $14!
Lameski on the cafe.
But yay-ski on the museum.
But yay-ski on the museum.
Hasta la Vista Mista Jeepsta
Sorry to all you potential buyers out there, but it's sold.
That's right.
Out of my driveway & out of Tat's life.
He may cry.
I considered calling the HR team at his office the day he sold it, just to have them check in on him every few hours to see if counseling was necessary.
That was his baby.
He reminded me ALL DAY about the great memories in that bad boy.
If you're feeling kind, don't bring it up to him.
If you're feeling like a good laugh, listen to him list all his good times with the Jeepy.
So long Jeep. We will miss you.
(but not too badly)
Did you solve the puzzle?
If not, here's one last clue:
Last week my kiddos & I tossed some cookies,
I mean we tossed some ingredients into a bowl, to make some cookies.
I mean we tossed some ingredients into a bowl, to make some cookies.
Did all the highlighted words bring something to mind?
I don't know...
maybe something like this:
That's right folks, our little Red #3 is currently adorning our fridge and my body!
Not that you can ever see anything in an ultrasound anyway, but this was taken at 4 weeks, so that's why it's really, really unclear.
Why at 4 weeks?
That's a weirdy story to be documented in a whole other blog post.
Anywho, we are 11 weeks & due in September.
Are we surprised?
Sick as a dog?
You know it.
Ready for bed by 7pm?
I don't get why my name is highlighted if it has to to with a baby. Congrats I saw it coming a mile away and FYI, I wouldn't have invited the whole family if I didn't love you all like my own...and Linc was free. And for the record, I was not nearly as impressed with the ice magic as the mister Tatwood. Who knew this guy had a love for choreography?
Hayley, CONGRATULATIONS! I am so excited for you. #3 is fun (and maybe will make you crazy...I am still in pajama's...and it's 7:21 pm) Yay for you, can't wait to find out what the next lil' red will be :)
Congratulations!!! How exciting. The world could use more red heads :). I hope you're feeling better soon!
YEA!!! I don't know if you have seen on facebook, but I am due Sep. 4th. We will be so close!! That will be fun! Congrats!
Oh my gosh...I am so excited for you all and a little jealous...I want an ultrasound adorning my fridge (someday)...hope you get feeling better!
Wooohooo! Can't wait to meet the new little red! :)
So happy for you guys !!!
Congratulations! What fabulous news!
And to think that I had no idea when we hung out 127 times in one week... ;)
Yay! Congrats! Gingersnap #3! Baby Red! I can hardly wait. You're in for it...hahahaha.
We love you guys!
Congratulations, Hayley! That is such fun news! Hope you start feeling better soon!
Congrats! That's so exciting.
yea!! congrats on #3!! love the clever clues :) we are really happy for you guys!
Yay! Congratulations to all of you guys!
Congrats on the new baby. What a cute way to announce it.
Love all your pictures and it looks like you have been having a great time! Can't believe you are up for all that being so sick! You are the WOMAN!! Hope you get feeling better soon! Congrats!! Glad the cat is outta the bag. I am so so so so so excited for you guys!!
SOOO excited for you! You are a great mom, and this new little one is so lucky to have you!! I love reading your blog and getting to know those cute little reds of yours since i never get to see them!! Love you, and i hope the sickness goes away real soon!!
Congratulations--the world needs another adorable little red head! We wish you lived closer though.
It is so crazy/impressive that you are doing all this stuff while DEATHLY SICK!!! Aren't you supposed to be laying on a couch while the kids slip into a Disney-channel-induced coma? Anyway, I am so so so glad this baby is coming! Also I love that Avy is in ballet and of course she is the best.
I agree with Ashley! You must be super woman! I don't how you manage to party so hard AND blog about it while sick and pregnant. You amaze me!
Yay, congrats!!!! How fun!
Congratulations to you and your growing brood!
i really love this news...EXCEPT that it maybe, kind of, just a little bit makes me want to be expecting too...far too many pregnant friends and family. BUT, I'm not!
At least you have a cool ultrasound of a pea that came from your horrible experience...silver lining ;)
Excited for you guys. love you and am seriously wishing you a healthy, happy and vomit-less rest of your pregnancy.
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