Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Easy now. Don't be jealous.

You don't have a picture of yourself reflecting in the bathroom mirror washing the dishes you eat out of? 
What's wrong with you?!

Fine.  Maybe I'm the one with the problem.

I'm starting to realize why we got such a STEAL of a DEAL on our darling house.

Let's review:

1- some of you may recall the hiddeous odor under the kitchen sink upon move in
..turns out it was piles & piles of rat/opossum nests under our house
...the fix-it guy came & hauled out boxes & boxes of rodent feces
...he then covered the crawl space with putrid chemicals
...me, being 6 months pregnant, went into psycho mom mode & ran away with my fetus & 2 year old to Tahoe for the rest of the week to avoid any developmental complications (you know, things like Avy's toes falling off or Linc being born with 2 heads)
Thank heavens he turned out as adorable as he did:

2- our roof needed to be fixed & somehow it coincidentally took place 2 days, I repeat 2 DAYS, before I gave birth

3- also upon move in, we only had 1 working burner on our stove...& it was a small one.
...we bugged the property management company for WEEKS about getting it fixed, but to no avail
...then one day I was cooking on my 1 small burner & the knob completely busted off
...the only way to get the stove to turn on & off was to head outside & flip the breaker---every single time I cooked
...I called a couple days later & used my harshest outdoor voice to get a new stove
...we got one the following morning

4- turns out we've had carbon monoxide spewing into our garage the past month & a half
...genius roofers forgot to attach something to something from something
(I think it had to do with the water heater)
...in true Atwood Male fashion, Tat & his Dad spotted it & fixed it
...This is my true genius husband:

5- & now to the broken sink
...it's my fault...I'll admit it.
...so I go this itch to clean out my fridge & found lots of pot roast from the previous week
...I guess I overestimated the power of the garbage disposal
...it all got clogged in there...really fast
...Tyler tried to fix it

...my plumber friend Kaari tried to fix it

Kidding.  She's not a plumber.  & she shouldn't give up her day job of being a socialite, traveling, partying,  & eating expensive fine foods because she didn't fix it.

...so I called the management company 4 times & did dishes in the bathroom sink for 6 days.
...most of those times I chatted with the same lady that said,
"Oh yes.  I'll get back to you."
...by call #4, I told her,
"You already told me that.  I'm doing dishes in the bathroom & that sink will be clogged soon too.
Help me."

...We got a plumber the next morning.

Really though, our house isn't all that bad.
We have a nice big backyard that's perfect for throwing parties.
And let's be honest...
that's really all that matters.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Here's what you missed on Glee:

No, this post isn't about Glee.
However, I do pretty much laugh my pants off every episode. 
It's about what the Tatwood family has been up to & what I've failed to post about the past 2 months.

Here we go:

Thanksgiving was uneventful.
Avy & I cooked, fed Linc (well, I did), watched the parade, fed Linc some more (well, I did), cooked some more.

Tat played football with the local hooligans.
Upon Tat's return, I cried, said I was exhausted, told him to finish the turkey-less Thanksgiving Day feast & watch the kiddies while I slept.
Happy Thanksgiving.
I woke up to this:

The next day we went to Half Moon Bay to get our Christmas Tree & ride the ponies at Lemos Farm.
It poured rain.  Really poured.

We saved tree hunting for the next day.

We went back to Lemo's for another pony ride & found the perfect tree at the tree farm.

Tat dressed appropriately in his Lumber Jack Joe shirt for the occasion.

As you can imagine, Tat was in his element.

Mama Atwood came into town.
Bless her heart. Thanks for ALL your help!

We went to Christmas in the Park in downtown San Jose a couple times.

Grandpa Bird & Uncle Jaxon came into town for a brief stop then went to Honduras with Austy.

I tried to get a Christmas card photo.
These were the rejects (the pictures, not the kids):

This was the keeper:

I had the energy to throw out a few Christmas decorations & finally make our stockings & stocking holders (stocking holder idea came from my talented friend Lindsey K).

Tat stayed home long enough to hang up the lights after much nagging.

I've been tired.
Really tired.
So tired that I give in much easier than I used to.
I've had to pick my battles & these are obviously battles I have lost:
Sleeping in princess clothes & stamping one's own forehead.

Requesting a different plate for every single pancake.

Not wearing clothes & looking like one of the robbers in Home Alone.

Again with the hobo pics.  Self explanatory.

We hit up the Ward Christmas Party.

We celebrated 5 years of sheer wedded bliss by having dinner at Aldo in Los Altos...
one of my new faves.

Austy graced us with his Santa self on several different occasions.

We made & ate TOOOOOO many treats.

We rode the carousel while it was in town.

We had milkshakes at Johnny Rockets after riding the carousel.

We celebrated Christmas Eve with good friends at the Pharris home.

Kaari learned the Atwoods are dummies when it comes to playing charades.

Santa made a stop at the Atwood home.

We've been eating this little cutesy alive.

Tat & Avy have become quite the ice-skating extraordinaires.
They hit up every rink in a 20 mile radius.

We went bowling.

Avy ate some snackers.
Avy jumped for joy at her sweet bowl that knocked down lots of pins.

Avy puked all over the alley.
Avy felt better, put on my jacket, & bowled some more.

We gladly welcomed Dogface into our home for a week while his parents were traveling.
Lincoln especially loved having him around...it turned Avy's love & affection towards Logan rather than Linc.

Logan: "P.L.E.A.S.E. get me outta here!"

We toured the famous Palo Alto Christmas Lights Street.
Brrr...it was cold.

Tat's wonderful family came into town.
We went Geo Caching.
(It's like treasure hunting around town...totally fun!)

Tat found this one:

I found the next. I can get very competitive.

We blessed sweet little Lincoln.

Had a Dessert Bar later that night to celebrate Blessing Day.

I can always count on CK to enjoy my parties.

& this leaves us with today's fun...
pudding painting & tea-parties.

I'm officially caught up.

And that's what you missed on Glee.