Did you know I won the 2009 Mother of the Year Award?

Neither did I until my friend Tiffany sent me this:
I have to admit, I'm a bit gullible.
No, I didn't really think that I, Mrs. Tatwood was the recipient,
but I thought it was a real one that won.
It's not true.
Hopefully you can catch on to that quicker than I did.
My favorite quote is at the end when the anchor-lady says:
"A new study confirms that pulling your hair back into a ponytail is not the same thing as taking a shower."
Send one to your fave moms.
Happy Mother's Day, Ladies!
I'm sad to admit that this post is informing me that it was a joke. I forsure thought that there was another Lindsey Kearl.
In my defense, the video stopped about 30 seconds into it and I couldn't see all of it :)
It's not a joke ladies...you're all top notch!
Happy Mother's Day!
I was sent that video 5 times! So, I say, it is really true. :)
I am so excited you are coming to town!! I have it on my calendar. Let's make some plans for sure. I am sure you will be running the entire time, but I would love to see you guys!!!
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